Personal Loans


Home Equity Lines of Credit

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) lets you borrow against available equity with your home as collateral.


NMLS Notice

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice and Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (The SAFE Act) the following is provided for your information       

  •  If you apply for any mortgage loan with Cellox Valley Bank & Trust Co., N.A. the Mortgage Loan Officer (MLO) will provide you with his Mortgage Loan Officer ID, as registered with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS).
  • As a customer you have the right to log into NMLS sites, Consumer Portal to determine if the MLO you are working with has ever had any complaints of judgments, placed against him/her for any financial service related matters.





External Transfers

Securely transfer money between your Cellox Valley account and your accounts at other financial institutions.

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